Matthew Evans


Matthew holds a degree in valuation from the University of Queensland, commencing his career as a valuer with HTW on the Sunshine Coast in 1993. In 2000 Matt joined the iconic family owned construction company Evans Harch to start a successful development arm. With an initial focus on industrial projects in Brisbane and the Sunshine Coast Matthew expanded this business over 10 years to include industrial, medical, retail, residential and commercial projects throughout Queensland and a portfolio valued in excess of $100m.

When Matt became Managing Director in 2009 Evans Harch employed over 110 staff, with a turnover in excess of $250m in the commercial construction market. A focus on design and construct contracts for the State Government, select private clients and construction of in house development projects saw Evans Harch grow significantly over the 30 years since it was founded culminating in the company being listed at no. 9 in the Q400 business awards in 2010.

Matthew has an in depth knowledge of the Queensland property market and has a particular focus on the financing and delivery of projects.